06 Juin 2024

Wargames – Java vulnerabilities and why you should care

ENSEIRB, 1 Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer 33400 Talence
ENSEIRB, 1 Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer 33400 Talence
En savoir plus

Détails :

L’objectif du BORDEAUX Java User Group est de permettre à des acteurs et utilisateurs du langage Java (professionnels, communautés open source, universitaires, étudiants) de se rencontrer et d’échanger autour des technologies Java. Des rencontres sont organisées tous les mois, sous forme de réunions gratuites, ouvertes à tous.

Prochain Meetup animé par Gerrit Grunwald :
« Java is great and we all spend time on making it more performant, more scalable and maintainable.

But we better should also spend some time on making it more secure.

With all that new Java releases and features also come new vulnerabilities and exploits. Because Java is everywhere, it has a huge attack surface which makes it interesting for hackers to search for vulnerabilities in Java and foremost in Java based applications.

I’m not a Java security specialist and if you are like me wonder what all these mystique acronyms like NVD, CVE, CVSS, CPU, PSU etc. mean and how they are related to Java security, come to this session and I will explain it to you. It will also be shown what tools are available to you to check whether your Java application is vulnerable to known issues. »